Tuesday 20 September 2011

Music video analysis - Tribute

Genre characteristics:
- There is a performance of the song - linked to Rock genre.
- Rock n Roll elements - breaking the machine, getting taken by the police.
- Goes against rock nature - quite cheesy, lame karaoke machine.
- Devil/evil lady - links to Rock
- Parody - uses some conventions but for comical effect.
-Presenting band in comical element - ties in with the fact he's a comedian.
- More funny than serious.
- Dressed in casual clothes -> not like rock stars - not sexy, rock gods.

Lyrics and visuals:
- Literally represents/illustrates song.
- E.g. 'tribute' - they are doing karaoke, 'no' - shakes fingers, '1 and 1 make 2, 2 and 1 make 3' - counts with fingers.

Music and visuals:
- Cuts with fast beats.
- Slow cuts to show performance.
- Jack Black is air guitaring to the music.
- The devil plays the guitar to the tune.
- Tension of visuals builds with the tension of the music.

Close up/motifs/demands of redord label:
- There are lots of close ups in the Karaoke booth.
- Introduction to who they are.

Notion of looking/voyeuristic treatment of females:
- Looking at them through the screen in the studio.

Intertextual reference:
- Ben stiller walks past outside the Karaoke booth.
- There is a film style plot.
- There is a reference to the Michael Jackson Thriller video - Woman with red eyes and laughing -> Michael with yellow eyes and laughing.
- Dave Grohl guest stars as the devil - from the band FooFighters.

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